Campaigning for more GPs and Dentists in Horsham
Campaigning for more GPs and Dentists in Horsham

Jeremy Quin MP states on his website that he is totally committed to supporting our NHS and ensuring that we enjoy excellent health care. He further says that he is engaged with promoting the expansion and evolution of NHS services to meet the need of our area and its expanding population. We therefore call upon Jeremy Quin to demonstrate that commitment by demanding government commitment to the immediate provision of sufficient GP surgeries and NHS dentists in Horsham. Until the local shortfall in health services is addressed, we call upon Horsham District Council to implement a moratorium on all large scale housing developments across the district.

We the undersigned note that early cancer diagnosis can be lifesaving and therefore deplore the proposal to scrap the target for patients to be seen within two weeks of an urgent GP referral. This is particularly deplorable in view of the current crisis in the NHS which has resulted in more people than ever stuck on NHS waiting lists or unable to see a GP. This is yet another indication of a reduction in vitally important services and standards. The welfare of our citizens should be a top priority for government. The continual watering down of targets and failure to meet those that are set is indicative of a government that is failing patients.

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