Women’s Officer

Trishna Julha - Women’s Officer

Trishna joined the Labour Party in 2022 and has since been an active member,
joining local campaigns and standing as a district council elections’ candidate in
Billingshurst, where she has lived since 2016.

Born in Mauritius, she defied norms and was the first female member of her
extended family to graduate, creating new paths for upcoming female generations.
She joined PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd, a workplace which has been crucial in
shaping her work ethics and her profound valuing of gender equality, meritocracy,
and inclusion. She then worked for many years at the national broadcasting house
as News Editor and presenter, where she developed political interest and
astuteness. Her job led her to meet many successful and learned women from all
around the world, who were empowering and uplifting other women, which inspired
her towards her social activism, steering various projects, including campaigns
against domestic violence and child abuse.

Migrating to the UK, she joined the NHS as an analyst and gradually climbed up the
professional ladder, currently leading the urgent and emergency care performance
and intelligence function of an organisation in Sussex. A member of UNISON and a
diversity champion at work, she is actively involved in promoting equality, diversity
and inclusion.

She is also a member of the Labour Women’s Network. As a Labour Party member,
she wants to influence public policy to ensure equal opportunities for everyone in her
community. As Women Officer for Horsham Labour, she wants to maximise women’s
voice in all spheres, particularly in politics for increased representation. She is
looking forward to work with women in her community to ensure that they are heard
and supported.

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