Hazel Lamb - Your Labour candidate for Nuthurst
Hazel Lamb - Your Labour candidate for Nuthurst

A retired mother of two, who has lived in Horsham for 48 years, working with people in need, in public services and through charities: she has decades of experience about inefficient District and County Council provision from the inside! Having served on her local neighbourhood council some years ago, she has recently become involved in preserving our green spaces and addressing our impact on the environment.

In an area where people have long believed there was no alternative to Conservative government, despite the evidence of deceit, erosion of provision and misuse of public funds at the national level, she believes it is time to challenge local Tories about their values, goals and achievements.

These words, attributed to Albert Einstein, suggest a change is long overdue! “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Labour promotes fairness. Decision-making should be based on good evidence, prioritising need and investing in our young people, through proper housing, leisure and environmental provision – preventing problems before they arise.

Hazel would love to chat with residents who are interested in understanding Labour’s refreshingly different perspective and ideas for using council resources to benefit everyone in the District. Feel free to text her on 07747604415 for a return call.

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