Horsham Labour Labour working for you.
West Sussex County Council has approved a plan to spend £15.4 million on another retail park in Broadbridge Heath. The four proposed outlets will comprise a discount food store, a DIY and garden centre outlet, a drive-through take away and a coffee shop.
Horsham Labour Party recognises the need to make use of surplus County Council land. But we have some concerns about this plan and specifically that there was:
- Lack of consideration of whether it is the most appropriate use of a County Council asset and its funds, particularly during the pandemic;
- Lack of consultation before the plan was put to the County Council for approval;
- Lack of consideration of whether these particular retail outlets are appropriate. For example, Broadbridge Heath already has a garden centre with a coffee shop;
Therefore we are conducting a survey of residents in Horsham and the Broadbridge Heath District because we want to know what you think:
Please complete our survey as fully as possible and submit it to us.
If you are interested in hearing more about Horsham Labour party email David.hide1@btinternet.com for more information.
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